Fun things to do with dogs and kids.

This was not my idea, but a riot all the same. We were visiting Aunt Coralee and Uncle Rich, and Who would have thought that Uncle Rich was a one man amusement park for toddlers.

He made them into burritos, then put peanut butter on their feet for the dog to lick off. I don't think muffin liked foot taste, she didn't seem all that excited about the peanut butter, but she licked enough off to have them squealing. and wanting to put more on.

He wrestled.

When we thought he was completly out of ideas he brought out a roll of paper towels and some tape. He then turned my kids into deer, kittens, unicorns and puppies. They had a blast and didn't want to leave.

And just when I thought that there could be no more he broke out the pinto beans.
Things I learned
1. Who needs Carowinds when you have a dog and some peanut butter.
2. The best things in life really are free.
3. We need to visit Aunt Coralee and Uncle Rich way more often.


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