One again

I think that I had forgotten how hard one year old are. I haven't been able to take a full step for weeks now and I just want to walk again without impediment. Fortunately I haven't lost any pants......yet.

Justin started climbing as well. He climbed on the table while I was busy somewhere and broke my cookie jar... It was the only breakable thing in the house. Isn't it funny that no matter how high you put things the kids will eventually destroy them. I had a neat little plate that I had sitting on top of my cabinets in the old house. I think it actually got jealous of everything else that got the special attention of the glue gun and one day it just fell over and broke. Nothing touched it, as far as I'm aware nothing even looked at it. It just fell over.

I think that I had managed to start getting too attached to things again. At one point I had all the breakables put away. In fact they were put away for so long I their useful waned and I had a big yard sale to get rid of them. I can't think of a thing that I really miss. Except for Haylie's teddy bear who went AWOL during the move. I wonder if Teddies are really all that kid tough or if tying a string around around his neck and dragging him around like a puppy finally made him snap and he just wandered off. Can't say I blame him though, in fact I heard the other stuffed animals talking and wouldn't be a bit surprised it they staged a mass walk out in the near future.

Anyway I digress. I can't think of an easy way through this except to grin and bear it. Although my laundry and dishes are piling up because I literally can't walk that far. oh well clean clothes are overated anyway.


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