What was I thinking?

Ok perhaps I am dense. I decided to go back to school again. I started classes on the 19th of August and I am really the oldest person in most of my classes (I have two teachers that I'm pretty sure are older than me.) I've been called a dinosaur, no kidding we were talking about cell phones and I agreed that I couldn't see why a 15 year old needed an I-phone. Anyway I was applying for student council and was filling out the application. Here's one question....

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Answer : I'm a mom of four children six and under, I'm 33 years old and older than at least two of my teachers a third is questionable and another called me a dinosaur. I have days where I get everything done that I needed to and there are days where I sit around and watch the Wiggles. I'm human, I'm not perfect but I've learned that dwelling on things that can't be changed doesn't do anything. I have things that I do well, so does everyone, and I there are things that I do poorly, and it really doesn't matter. I find that it all kind of evens out. The things I do well take less time then I have time to devote to the things that take more effort.

What do you think would you hire me?

Oh yeah forgot about what Haylie did today... She told her teacher that she was supposed to go to after school care, instead of riding the bus home. Two of the little kids were sleeping and I had to wake them up and go get her.

Oh things I've learned this week

I'm not 18 anymore.

The easiest way across campus is over the library bridge.

There are a lot of steps in Kinard.

If you sit on the front row you really can see the board better.

Finally.... Send a not with your child everyday just to make sure that they get on the bus.


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