
Showing posts from August, 2009

Back to School

How did i get myself into this one? I've been asking myself this question everyday for the last week. We decided that this was a good time for me to finish my bachelors. So as I type this I sit outside of Daniel 412 waiting to face my greatest fear, public speaking class. I wonder if the teacher allows barf bags in class. I have begrudgingly attended orientation even dragging Haylie to one session, she loved it and her enthusiasm helped alot.The good thing about transferring to a new college is that while all of my classes transferred making me currently a junior, none of the grades seem to have transferred leaving me with the proverbial clean slate. So not only do I have to take this class but I have to male an A. So wish me luck.

Pressure washers and trashcans.

Ok so I am the nosy neighbor. I went to the park the other week on a thursday and forgot to put out the trash before I left. I got back at about the time that the trash would have been picked up and didn't want to drag it to the curb if it was already gone, so I checked a neighbors can. The trash had already been picked up, but what I saw shocked and amazed me. His trash can was cleaner than my kitchen floor. It didn't smell, it was seriously pristine. So of course for the last couple of weeks I have been contemplating getting out there with some bleach and a scrub brush. Well today I was cleaning out the garage and I came across the pressure washer. My trashcan is now as clean as the neighbors. It is actually quite fulfilling to watch the black goop just melt away. No wonder I can't get Stephen to stop when he gets out doing a job like that. So if you have a pressure washer at home, go have fun.

The mess

I've been trying to find things that get me out of the house that are free. Anyway our ward has a book club and I've been meaning to go for a while but i keep forgetting to read the book. I went to the library last night and picked up this month's read, it's called The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. Fortunantly the only copy they had was large type, and yes even though I am only in my early thirties I need the big print, especially since my glasses seem to have fled my home once again. This is a good read, especially since the author was a computer science guy, much easier to follow than my husbands thesis. So now I'm thinking about what I should do differently in my life, you know so I don't spend the rest of it on Bull Street. A big one is that I need to get less frustrated over the little things. I really need to learn that the house doesn't need to be spotless, just safe and sanitary, the kids don't need to be dressed, and the laundry doesn't hav