
Showing posts from 2014

Reflections on a long week

This week has been hard. I've seen both sides of a debate that no one knows the answer too.  I've seen friends post pictures of the most adorable new born sons who are worried that they will not survive to adulthood because of the color of their skin. There are those in this country who try to say that race is not issue.  However, what happened in August in Ferguson, Missouri is eerily similar to events in Money, Mississippi in August of 1955 . It saddens me to that despite our best efforts, as people we have fallen short.  We claim to be a Christian nation but yet we are unable to offer comfort to those who mourn without pointing out why they are unworthy of our love. How do I justify the privileges that I enjoy because of the color of my skin?    I don’t have to worry that my son will be killed playing in the street by someone who is scared of him.   I will more than likely never feel the pain of losing a child and have him vilified for the world.  Yet while man

Our Trip to Dollywood

Wings of America Show        This was the first time we had ever tried to take our family to an amusement park. Having two children with ASD it is intimidating to venture out into large crowds. Add to that a husband with motion sickness, and the inability to wait in line, such a trip has potential nightmare written all over it.  Additionally Dollywood does not offer accommodations for children with ASD. At least fellow patrons were pretty calm about some of the behaviors my kids exhibited in the 2 hour wait for the Firechaser.  This time I went with my brother and his family with Grammie in tow. It really was quite fun.  I ended up with the bravest of my four children, my brother and sister in law with their son riding the fun rides while my husband and mother took care of the less adventurous kids. Little Piggy Ride     I ended the day in the Country Fair part of the park which was little kid heaven.  The lady at the little piggy ride must have been a retired school